Tuesday, November 27, 2007

They're not kidding about those pregnancy hormones!

Well, it's official, I can no longer listen to country music without a tissue in hand. Thank goodness they aren't showing too many Hallmark commercials that tug at your heartstrings right now, I don't know if I could take it :) It's a little bit embarassing to be driving down the road, listening to the radio and all of sudden my eyes start tearing up. I never told them to do that. I'm just as surprised as the driver next to me, who is definitely giving me a funny look. But on the flip side, I do find things to be much funnier than they probably really are. Like the turkey commercial, where the woman accidentally launches the turkey out of her kitchen window and knocks her husband out. I thought that was so funny we recorded it and watched it about 6 times in a row. I was laughing so hard I was crying. So at least I have a variety of extreme emotions to go through :) The joys of pregnancy!! Something tells me that all these emotions our little one is creating in me now may last through their whole life... Oh well, I'm sure it'll all be worth it!!
Mandy <><

Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Pictures!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Our Baby!!

We went to the doctor last Thursday, November 8th and our baby is doing well! We got to have another ultrasound and listened to the heartbeat, which is 170 beats per minute, which is really good :) Our first ultrasound was neat, when we could see the baby moving around, but this one was so much cooler because our baby is starting to look like a little person! Maybe a person with very pronounced facial features, but a person all the same :) It's just so amazing to be a part of creating a tiny life, it truly is a miracle. We hope you like the pictures, I think the baby is trying to wave! Hopefully we'll know if it's a boy or a girl in a couple of months. We'll keep you posted.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Our new house!!

We thought you might be interested in what we've been up to here in Colorado. The most exciting thing is that we bought a house!! It's in a great location on a quiet cul-de-sac, and we're only a few minutes away from Steph, Casey and Evan! And we're only about 20 minutes away from Mom and Dad. When we bought the house it was a foreclosure, so we got a great deal, but it needed some work. New carpet and fresh paint made a world of difference upstairs, and we have some fun projects for the basement! We thought we'd keep you posted on the progress, and on any other fun tidbits in our lives, through this blog! See you back again soon!