Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our New Blog!!

In the interest of paranoia we have decided to move our blog to a password protected site. But since we know that YOU are not a crazy stalker, we're leaving you our new blog info :) Our blog has moved to:

If you need the password, email me at:

See you there!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Poop Diaries

Dear Diary,

There's been a lot of poop in my house lately. Which is not unusual, it's just been messier than normal. Last night I was changing Katie's poopie diaper, it was pretty full, since she seems to save it up for several days and then have a big blow out diaper. I really thought I had caught it in time, but no. There was a little leakage, but it was under control. Then, with a big toot, projectile poop shot across the room. I didn't even know that was possible!! It was rather disgusting. I kind of freaked out a little, ok, maybe a lot. With Brandon's help we got that under control. I thought that would be it for a while, but I was wrong.

This morning I went to get James up and noticed he seemed to be wet. In fact, his sheets were pretty wet, his pillow, his pants, his shirt. I decided that it might be time to switch to the next size up in overnight diapers. Since he was soaking wet I had him just stand up so I could peel his clothes off. It was a lot of pee, "maybe Brandon forgot to put on an overnight diaper last night and only used a regular diaper," I thought to myself and I pulled his pants off. Right then and there I realized what the problem was. I didn't need a bigger size of overnight diapers. I needed to explain to my husband that you can't let a one-year-old go commando. That's right, diary, James was wearing NO diaper whatsoever. Awesome!! No wonder there was so much pee. And, yep, he had pooped too. So I moved him to the changing table, so I could clean the poop off his legs. Then he went straight into the bathtub, while I washed his pjs out in the toilet before throwing them in the washing machine. The pee had gotten his red pj pants so wet that the red ran onto his sheets, so I have no idea how he slept peacefully through the night. Brandon thought I was kidding when I told him what he had done. But James obviously didn't mind. It was so ridiculous I had to chuckle :)

Hopefully this is will be my last entry for a while. Although it makes for some interesting days!!

Mandy <><

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

There's a mouse in my house...again

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you know that we have had mice in other houses that we've lived in. And you also know that I am not a big fan of mice. Actually, I HATE mice. I can hardly watch the movie "Ratatoille" because of the scene where all the rats come streaming out of the ceiling. I was even a little creeped out the other day watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" when I noticed Mickey's little mouse tail waving behind him. When we moved into this house, I was hoping that things would be different. "No mice here!" I thought. I was wrong. Shortly after we moved in, I saw a mouse scamper across the floor in our living room. Having a mild heart attack, while trying not to wake the sleeping baby, I yell-whispered to my husband that we had a mouse. He calmly got out some traps, and we bought one of those high pitched rodent repellers that plug into your wall, hoping that it would discourage the mouse from taking up residence in our house. We caught that mouse and thought we were done. But today, I saw evidence of a mouse still lurking somewhere in my house. I was not happy. In fact, I lost it a little. Luckily my children can't really talk yet, because if they could they would have some weird stories to tell. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, yelling at the mouse. I didn't see the mouse mind you, I just wanted him to hear my thoughts while he hid somewhere nearby. I think I said something like this: "You'd better run, friend, because I am going to kill you. And your friends. You'd better tell them to run too. I'm not kidding about this, mister. So get out now!! While you still can!!" I gave him fair warning. Hopefully he took my advice and hightailed it out of here. I think I hear some scampering right now!

Mandy <><

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pictures, Pictures and More Pictures

Ok, Ok, I know it's been forever since I updated our blog. So here's a start... These pictures go from right after Katie was born to right before Thanksgiving, in reverse chronological order. More to come, I promise :)

The Boys


Evan loves Katie Charlie

James' Half Birthday

He's watching Paula Deen - maybe he'll start cooking for us soon!!

James and his "tat"

Mashed Potato Goatee

I thought this was hilarious :)

This is the best one we could get of both of them

Halloween!! James went with his cousins, Evan and Caden to the Fall Festival at our church. Katie stayed home at rested with Mommy :)

Daddy dressed James up as a was too cute not to post :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Katie Smith has arrived

Katie Smith
Born 10/25/09
7lb 7.7oz

This picture was taken 2 weeks before she was born.
Taking her weight

Aunt Steph holding her for the first time.
Mom and Daughter doing well.

Here are some pics of the boys in their Halloween pj's - aren't they cute :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pregnant Belly

I thought it was about time I posted some pregnant belly pictures. Here I am at 32 weeks!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Summer Fun Part Two

James and Caden

This was one of the protective booties people wore when they looked at our house - we thought it was the perfect size for a hat for James :)

James was a great help packing for our move :)

The County Fair!! He loved the animals and especially the John Deere Tractors!

Jamming out on the way home from Missouri