Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home Finally

Home Finally
Well it is Sunday the 18th and we finally got to come home. It was great to be here again. The hospital is only fun for so long...if you want to call it fun. We are really blessed to have such a healthy baby and for Mandy to be doing so well. Her feet a still swollen but other then that she is doing wonderful. Little James is doing very well, we are trying to figure out a routine so hopefully that will come soon. We are both sleeping when ever we can but are both wiped out from the C-section and the hospital stay. Thats all I have for now, thanks for you prayers and calls.
Brandon, Mandy and James.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Baby James Has Arrived!!

James Smith
May 15, 2008
5:00pm, 8lbs 8oz, 21inches

Here are a few cute pictures of sweet little James. Since Mandy and Brandon are still in the hospital, and I KNOW people are dying to see pictures of this little man, I thought I would "guest blog" for them. (This is Steph, Mandy's sister) Everyone is doing well, and they should be out of the hospital sometime tomorrow! I'm sure they will post more in the next few days after everyone is settled. Enjoy!