Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Poop Diaries

Dear Diary,

There's been a lot of poop in my house lately. Which is not unusual, it's just been messier than normal. Last night I was changing Katie's poopie diaper, it was pretty full, since she seems to save it up for several days and then have a big blow out diaper. I really thought I had caught it in time, but no. There was a little leakage, but it was under control. Then, with a big toot, projectile poop shot across the room. I didn't even know that was possible!! It was rather disgusting. I kind of freaked out a little, ok, maybe a lot. With Brandon's help we got that under control. I thought that would be it for a while, but I was wrong.

This morning I went to get James up and noticed he seemed to be wet. In fact, his sheets were pretty wet, his pillow, his pants, his shirt. I decided that it might be time to switch to the next size up in overnight diapers. Since he was soaking wet I had him just stand up so I could peel his clothes off. It was a lot of pee, "maybe Brandon forgot to put on an overnight diaper last night and only used a regular diaper," I thought to myself and I pulled his pants off. Right then and there I realized what the problem was. I didn't need a bigger size of overnight diapers. I needed to explain to my husband that you can't let a one-year-old go commando. That's right, diary, James was wearing NO diaper whatsoever. Awesome!! No wonder there was so much pee. And, yep, he had pooped too. So I moved him to the changing table, so I could clean the poop off his legs. Then he went straight into the bathtub, while I washed his pjs out in the toilet before throwing them in the washing machine. The pee had gotten his red pj pants so wet that the red ran onto his sheets, so I have no idea how he slept peacefully through the night. Brandon thought I was kidding when I told him what he had done. But James obviously didn't mind. It was so ridiculous I had to chuckle :)

Hopefully this is will be my last entry for a while. Although it makes for some interesting days!!

Mandy <><