Monday, March 3, 2008

There's no secret snacking in pregnancy

In case you were wondering, and why wouldn't you be, there is no secret snacking in pregnancy. There's no, "I'll just take a quick bite of that cookie while no one's looking and no one will ever know." And do you want to know why? Because even if you can be really quick, and even if you can shove a whole cookie in your mouth in 2 seconds, the evidence will be on your belly. Pre-pregnancy you didn't have to worry about those crumbs making an appearance. They would drift innocently to the floor and blend in with the carpet. But now, now they fall right onto the shelf that is your belly and stick there, just waiting to tattle on you for your 2nd, or 3rd, midday snack. It's really kind of embarrassing. I'm sure it's just preparing us mother's-to-be for all the other embarrassing things our kids will say and do once they're out of the womb :)
Mandy <><

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