Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things you never want to hear your hairstylist say...

A few weeks ago I decided I needed a new haircut. I also decided that my sister would be the perfect person to cut my hair for me. Keep in mind, she's not professionally trained or anything, but she does a great job cutting my nephew and my brother-in-law's hair, so I figured girl hair can't be that different, right? She was pretty reluctant at first, but once I talked her into it, she got pretty excited. So, she whipped out her colorful sea animal protect your clothes cape and we got started. She had a picture and things were well underway. I had total confidence, until she started saying things like, "This is making me so nervous!!" "I really hope you like this." And then, she went to shorten up the front, and that's when she said it... "I think I've given you a mullet." Now, as those of you who know me know, I don't care much about my hair. I don't take time to do much with it, nowadays I'm lucky if I get it brushed. So I'm not the pickiest about my haircuts, but when the word "mullet" came out of Steph's mouth, I have to admit, I panicked. I took a look in the mirror and we had to decide how to proceed. Steph decided she could "fix" it, and she ended up doing a great job. When we looked back at our sample picture, we did realize she wasn't supposed to have cut it that short in the front in the first place, but we made it work and it's actually pretty cute. All I really have to do is blow it dry and try to keep James from pulling out my hairclip. All in all it was a pretty fun afternoon, and I think I'll keep her on as my regular hairstylist...as long as we stay away from using scary words like "mullet" :)

Mandy <><

No mullet here!!

1 comment:

The Lynns said...

What can I say....it turned out pretty good...mullet and all. HA HA HA