Sunday, September 14, 2008

There's a mouse in my house...

Why is it that something so small can create such a ruckus? The other day I was sitting on the couch in the living room with James when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Upon closer inspection I noticed a mouse sitting next to James' swing, checking both ways before scampering into the kitchen. Realizing full well that while I am short by most standards, (compared to the other members of my family, for example, or most 7th graders) I am a giant in comparison to a mouse, I still sucked in a huge gasp of air and pulled my feet up onto the couch. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and dialed Brandon at work. "There's a mouse in the house," I whispered (I suppose I didn't want the mouse to know I was on to him), "what should I do?" My husband chuckled into the phone. "That's not helping" I told him. "Don't worry about it," he said casually, "he's probably more afraid of you then you are of him. I'll catch him when I get home." Easy for him to say. Did the mouse's heart beat faster when he saw me move across the room? I doubt it. I think I was the more frightened one in this situation. I stayed on the couch for quite some time, contemplating my options. I knew that at some point I would have to get down, at least to go to the bathroom, let alone tackle the housework I had planned for the day. After I summoned my courage, I tiptoed with James to his room and put him in his crib while I tried to block the hole I was sure the mouse had come from. I used my husband's shaving kit, since it was just the right size, and then kept it firmly in place with a supersize package of diapers. I had consulted with Brandon again and we decided it was a good idea to block the hole. Little did I know that was the wrong decision. A little bit later, when I had resumed my post on the couch, and had called my sister to chat, out of the corner of my eye I saw that crazy mouse again!! He was scampering for the kitchen and I realized I had made his escape impossible, since I had sealed his hole!! What was I to do?! I ran into James' room, putting him safely in his crib, then I ran into the kitchen, kicking the diapers and shaving kit out of the way, then leaping back onto the couch, in case the mouse came back out to play. He showed himself several more times that day, daring me to leave my safe haven. I finally decided that this was ridiculous - it was my house after all!! So I boldly went about my business as usual! I cleaned the bathrooms, I vacuumed the house, I dared him to show his face! And then I decided to spend the rest of the day shopping! So, I wasn't as brave as I had hoped, I did let the mouse drive me from my house for the afternoon. But we got him out of our house the next morning - so his reign of terror was short lived. And my suspicions were confirmed - I am a big chicken :)
Mandy <><

1 comment:

aLLeN said...

i love mouse stories!!