Saturday, July 26, 2008

To Bee Or Not To Bee

The professionals came to return our basement to its pre-flood condition this week. I was very excited to have my basement living space back. But God sent me another little reminder to rely on him and not on my basement - He sent me a bee. More than one, actually. After Brandon pulled up the carpet in our guest room, he apparently uncovered a hole to the outside and we ended up hosting a bumblebee party. When I was showing the trim guy around we realized that there were probably at least a dozen bees hanging out in the bedroom. Luckily they weren't aggressive, so we just shut the door while Mom and I worked out a plan. She went to the store and soon after returned to the guest room armed with a fly swatter and a can of bug spray. She killed all of them, and any that came later died from bug spray inhalation. Brandon sealed the passageway they had found and hung a bee killing device outside. The carpet has been laid and the problem taken care of (so those of you who are planning a visit, don't worry). As Mom ran to the store for supplies I couldn't help but think, "I can't believe the very day we're getting the basement fixed we find another problem." But I realized, again, that things like houses aren't what's important and I can't make my basement be where my treasure lies. Such a small insect - such an important lesson.
Mandy <><

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